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Fort Collins, Colorado

This is the logo for Found Tattoo in Fort Collins, Colorado
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This is an ornamental forearm tattoo done by Kyle Shri Tattoo.

"When I began my tattoo journey in 2018 after 10 years working in international peace building, I found myself in a new, wonderful, and rather strange industry. As I continued to learn, I understood that there is so much to honor and celebrate in the deep history of tattooing. However, I also noticed lot of room for growth, both in how artists relate to clients, and how studios engage with artists. Found is my attempt contribute to that growth by creating a space rooted in trust, transparency, inclusivity, and community learning."

- Kyle Shri-   Founder

Found tattoo is rooted in several shared values that guide our operation, engagement, and decision making. These are... â€‹

Trust and Transparency.  


Permanently marking bodies is a deeply personal and sacred practice that requires a huge degree of trust between client and artist. We seek to cultivate that trust by providing as much clarity as possible regarding our process, pricing, and operation. We are always open to answer your questions or clarify any confusion around our shared work together. 


Inclusivity and Client Centeredness


Safety, comfort, and inclusivity are central to our approach to tattooing meaning all skin tones and body types are welcome at Found. Our intention is always to make clients feel comfortable voicing their questions, concerns, thoughts, and opinions throughout the tattoo process. We're also always open to having a candid conversation about how to improve our practice! 


Dedication to the Art​


Simply put, we take tattooing seriously. â€‹Providing you with permanent body art is a privilege that we will never take for granted. (While we think this should go without saying,) this means our artists will show up to your appointment early, well rested, sober (and not hungover), and extremely prepared. Your tattoo will always be the most important thing we're doing on your appointment day. As artists, are also committed to continuous learning, and sharing relevant knowledge and resources with both artists and clients. 

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